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Scientific landscape of oxidative stress in male reproductive research: A scientometric study

Dec 22, 2023

Scientific landscape of oxidative stress in male reproductive research: A scientometric study
Authors: Agarwal et al, Free Radical Biology and Medicine 156 (2020) 36-44


Briefly about the oxidative stress:
Oxidative stress occurs when reactive oxygen species (ROS) surpass the body's natural antioxidant defenses, leading to damage in cell components like lipids, proteins, and DNA. This imbalance is linked to male infertility, especially in cases involving poor lifestyle choices (smoking, obesity, alcohol, inadequate diet), aging, varicoceles, infections, mobile phone radiation, and environmental pollutants. In male infertility, ROS can harm sperm production, motility, and genetic material. Studies confirm ROS as a significant factor in infertility and recurrent miscarriages, highlighting the importance of assessing ROS levels and overall antioxidant capacity in managing repeated pregnancy loss.

And now about the scientometrics analysis:
Scientometric analysis offers an objective view of scientific knowledge. It quantifies articles by year, authors, affiliations, journals, and countries, revealing emerging trends and productive entities across scientific, social, and economic domains, unlike bibliometric research.


Contributors: Lucia Rocco (Italy), and Gokhan Calik, MD (Türkiye)

The scientometric study explores oxidative stress (OS) in male reproductive health using Scopus data from 1941 to 2018. It highlights OS trends, key publications, and major contributors. The United States, India, and Italy were prominent publishers, with collaborative success driving research. OS was recognized as a significant cause of male infertility, particularly in the US.

Journals like Fertility and Sterility, Andrologia, and Human Reproduction were highly productive. Sperm anomalies and varicoceles were major topics, peaking in the 1981-1990 and 2011-2018 periods. Detection techniques focused on chemiluminescence and antioxidant assessment, with chemiluminescence notably reliable and reproducible for ROS measurement. Limitations include sample quantity required.

ORP measurement emerged as an alternative technique, with thresholds for abnormal semen quality and infertility. Validation across diverse scientific backgrounds is needed. Prognostic/diagnostic studies surged in the last decade, indicating OS's increasing relevance in male infertility pathologies. OS presents an avenue for exploring conditions like idiopathic infertility and potentially using antioxidant treatments, urging exploration of novel diagnostic techniques.

Personal perspectives
The advent of Scientometric analysis introduces a powerful quantitative approach, offering insights not only into male infertility but potentially across broader infertility domains. This innovative research avenue not only guides researchers but also sets a benchmark for clinicians worldwide, paving the way for the integration of new scientific technologies in understanding and addressing infertility. Its utility extends beyond male fertility, promising a broader impact in diverse areas of reproductive health.

Take Home Message:
Extensive research on oxidative stress (OS) in male fertility from 1941 to 2018 emphasizes its pivotal role. The US, India, and Italy led contributions. Key journals and topics like sperm issues and varicoceles evolved over time. Chemiluminescence and antioxidant assessment stood out in OS detection, but ORP measurement needs wider validation. Recent studies highlight OS's growing relevance in male infertility. The quantitative results from this study signals OS as a key area for investigating complex conditions and potential treatments. (Contributor: Ashok Agarwal, USA)

Lucia Rocco, PhD:  Short Biography

Lucia Rocco, PhD
Associate Professor in “Biology and Techniques of Reproduction”
University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Dept of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies
Caserta, Italy
ORCID id: 0000-0001-6250-4798

Dr. Lucia Rocco is an Associate Professor in the Dept of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies at the University of Campania, Caserta, Italy.
She has over 30 years of research experience in various fields as Genetic Ecotoxicology, Animal and Human Cytogenetics, and Molecular Cell Biology. Evaluation of genotoxic effects induced by environmental pollutants, such as nanoparticles alone and in combination with heavy metals or endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); cytogenetics using conventional and molecular (cytogenomic) techniques; analysis of chromosomal alterations also in relation with human fertility and/or subfertility. She also has a strong theoretical and practical background in experimental planning and data analysis.

Lucia is the Principal Investigator in Reproductive Biology and Genotoxicity Research Laboratory at University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, DiSTABiF, Caserta, Italy. She has 65 publications to her credit, 1495 citations and an h-index of 22.

The main publications and research interests of Prof. Rocco can be accessed at this link:

Gokhan Calik, MD, MD: Short Biography

Gokhan Calik, MD, FEBU
Asst. Prof. of Urology
Dept. Of Urology
Istanbul Medipol University
Faculty of Medicine
Istanbul, Türkiye
ORCID id: 00000002 9976 9666

Dr. Gokhan Calik is currently working in the subsection of Uro-andrology in his department. He is the co-investigator of various national/international urology research projects such as BEPS (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia Surgery - Ejaculation Preservation Study) and myBPHcare by the Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU). He is also the administrator of the online data management system ( of the Turkish Urological Research Collaboration group. Gokhan serves as a co-team leader in GAFs Research Team 4 under Prof. Wael Zohdy.

Acknowledgement: Lucia Rocco and Gokhan Calik contributed to this week’s Management Special. We are grateful for their excellent support as active members of the GAF.

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